Widespread flooding occurred overnight in Auckland and MetService has issued a heavy rain warning for Auckland until later today. West Auckland, in particular, Kumeu was the worst hit.
Two of ABI’s residential disability services have experienced flooding overnight, some of the team have faced road closures getting to work. However, the clients are all ok, being well supported by their rehabilitation teams and support staff. The buildings are holding up, but the grounds have some extra non-planned water features.
For those of you with whānau and friends at Glenburn and The Farm please be reassured the teams are continuing to provide support and rehab to your loved one.
We would like to take a moment to thank our ABI teams who are working hard, providing essential services to clients at the Intensive and Residential sites, managing PPE, ensuring the clients are progressing in their rehab plans, connected in with their whānau and friends, creating fun and social indoor activities and today in Auckland, battening down the hatches.

A weather event and a pandemic to go with a TBI rehabilitation programme.
We are so grateful to our hard-working ABI team and truly appreciate their commitment and mahi!