Nau mai haere mai, and welcome to ABI’s Paediatric Community Team
Our team of clinicians help tamariki including babies, through to school leavers, their whānau and caregivers to develop skills and achieve their chosen goals across all areas of home, family life, education and recreational activities. This covers a wide range of areas, for instance, support with getting dressed, eating and drinking, riding a bike, playing with friends, managing their emotions and behaviour, going to brownies or writing a story at school.
We use fun, playful and engaging activities to help children achieve success in their chosen goals. Our clinicians are experienced paediatric specialists, with an empathetic, practical and empowering approach. We are whānau centred, and take the time to listen to what is important to you. You are the expert who knows your child best and we look forward to working together alongside you and your child.
We can see your tamariki at home, at school or kindy, in the playground, in our clinics, via telerehab or at another place you prefer.
We offer services for children from birth to leaving school age, who have a range of physical, neurological, cognitive, social, sensory, emotional and developmental needs. We provide a number of different services tailored to your child’s needs, as well as providing coaching for whānau and caregivers. Our clinicians are based in Auckland and Wellington, but as ABI holds national contracts with ACC, many of our Assessor clinicians travel nationally to see children and whānau.

Areas the ABI paediatric team can support your tamariki and whānau with include:
- Neuro development – developing gross and fine motor skills
- Play skills
- Sensory processing
- Information processing
- Visual processing
- Self-care and independence skills
- Emotional regulation and social skills
- Pre-school and school participation: learning, handwriting, friendships
- Routines and daily living tasks, organisational skills

If you are funded by ACC, the ABI paediatric team provide the following services
- Assessments (Support Needs Assessment, Social Rehab Needs Assessment, Education Based Rehab Assessments, Neuropsychology Assessment, Wheelchair and Seating Assessments, Single Discipline Assessments)
- Behaviour Support Services
- Psychology Services
- Concussion Services
- Training for Independence Programmes
- Clinical Services Assessments – Paediatrician, Paediatric Rehabilitation Physician
These assessments and interventions can also be provided privately and via other funding streams other than ACC.
Please contact us if you think we can help you at