Terms and Conditions of Use:
- If you are in crisis, call 111. This site is not monitored 24/7.
- Information on this site is not medical advice. It does not replace a consultation with a healthcare professional.
- Your online activity is not private. Do not post medical information. Never disclose personal or identifiable information such as your location, NHI number, financial information, or other private information.
- As an organisation providing health care services, we are prevented by law from publicly providing any information about our patients, even if the information has been disclosed by a patient, their friends or family members online.
- Opinions and views expressed by individuals are not necessarily those of ABI Rehabilitation.
- You are responsible for the activity on your account and the content you post. You may not misrepresent yourself or take on the identity of someone else. You may not post content that is illegal, obscene, and defamatory or threatening or that abuses intellectual property rights.
- You may not use this site for:
- Personal attacks
- Defamation
- Harassment
- Spam
- Offensive content
- Aggressive behaviour
- Illegal activities
ABI Rehabilitation reserves the right to review, edit and/or delete any of your postings on its sole discretion. While ABI rehabilitation makes reasonable efforts to monitor and moderate posted content, it does not moderate all comments and cannot always respond in a timely manner to online requests for information.
These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.